GPC condemns the US classification of Ansarullah


General People’s Congress Party condemned the United States’ announcement to classify Ansar Allah as a terrorist organization.

The Congress Party confirmed in a statement that this classification comes as part of an attempt at intimidation used by the American administration to dissuade the authority in Sanaa from continuing its position of support and support for the Palestinian people.

The decision was considered evidence of the United States’ unlimited support for the Zionist entity in its war of extermination against the Palestinian people in general and the residents of Gaza in particular, making it a partner in all the crimes committed by the Zionist occupation against the Palestinians.

The statement indicated that such a classification would not affect the position of the Yemeni people nor the positions of their national forces in supporting Palestine.

He pointed out that the classification will obstruct regional and international efforts aimed at achieving peace in Yemen, stopping the aggression, lifting the siege, and moving towards a political settlement, and will negatively affect the steps that were previously taken in this aspect by the mediation of the Sultanate of Oman, which will increase the suffering of the Yemeni people.