Int’l shipping company diverts its ships from Red Sea towards Cape of Good Hope

The Danish shipping company “Maersk” has announced that its ships, which were scheduled to cross the Red Sea, will be diverted towards the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.

The company said in a statement, “All available information confirms that the security risk in the Red Sea remains at a remarkably high level.”

On Tuesday, Maersk announced that its fleet would not resume crossing the Bab al-Mandab Strait, following the attack by the Yemeni armed forces on one of its ships last Sunday after it refused to respond to the warnings directed at it to prevent it from heading to Israeli ports, within the framework of the blockade imposed by Sanaa on those ports, in support of the Palestinian resistance and in defense of civilians who are targeted by Israeli raids in Gaza.

Also, in the context of the ongoing Al-Aqsa flood battle, the airline “Air Canada” announced, according to the Israeli media, the cancellation of all its flights to “Israel” until at least April 8th.

Meanwhile, the shipping company “ZIM” announced another increase in prices, as it raised the price of transporting a container from the Far East to “Israel” by 500 to 1,000 US dollars, according to what was reported by the Israeli media.

The Yemeni operations in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea graduated with the intensification of the aggression against Palestine, from preventing ships owned by Israeli companies from sailing initially all the way to preventing any ship from passing to dock in one of the ports in occupied Palestine.

Sana’a’s decision to allow the return of navigation was linked to stopping the aggression against the Gaza Strip and opening the Rafah crossing to bring in medical and food aid.