Parliament’s presidency supports response options, praises million-man rallies against US-British aggression


The Presidency of the Yemeni Parliament in Sana’a on Monday renewed its support for the response options and praised the million-man rallies denouncing American-British aggression.

A joint meeting of the Parliament Presidency and the heads and rapporteurs of the House’s standing committees, headed by the Speaker of the House, Yahya Ali Al-Rai, called on the Yemeni people to strengthen unity of ranks, unify efforts to confront challenges at various levels, and support all paths taken by the leadership to confront the US-British aggression.

The meeting renewed its condemnation of the American-British aggression against Yemen with various naval and air weapons, which constituted a violation of Yemeni sovereignty, a threat to international peace and security and international navigation in the Red Sea, and a flagrant violation of international law.

The meeting pointed out that this aggression is in violation of the United Nations Charter and outside the framework of the UN Security Council, with the aim of covering up the crimes and war of genocide committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people and militarizing the Red Sea.”

In its meeting, the Parliament’s presidency stressed that the American-British aggression will not discourage Yemen from supporting the Palestinian people in occupied Palestine, against whom the Zionist entity has been committing war crimes with American support for 100 days, in full view of the world.

The Parliament presidency appreciated the positions of parliaments and countries that were quick to condemn the brutal American aggression against the Republic of Yemen, indicating that Yemen had previously faced a similar coalition since March 26, 2015, and today it is being returned with the same dirty tools under other names.

The joint meeting renewed the warning to the Council of Eight against getting involved with the aggressive American-British plan towards Yemen, stressing the right of peoples to resist aggression and occupation and to respond to any aggression using all possible means.

The meeting also praised the historical role of the State of South Africa in filing a lawsuit against the Zionist entity before the International Court of Justice in order to activate the principle of accountability and non-impunity, considering this step important and in its correct context.

The Parliament presidency urged all humanitarian organizations, international lawyers, and jurists to form an international legal union to begin filing lawsuits to prosecute the American and British regimes and reveal the truth about the Zionist crime and the genocide and ethnic genocide it is committing against the Palestinian people and free people.