SNACC in Sana’a decides to track down 899 people accused of serious corruption cases


The Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (SNACC), in its weekly meeting Monday, chaired by the authority’s head, Judge Mujahid Ahmed Abdullah, approved the results of the initial investigation and tracking of 899 defendants in serious corruption cases.

The Authority discussed the results of the procedures for collecting information and the preliminary investigation into serious corruption cases represented by the seizure and attacks on lands of a national airport campus and the obstruction of the completion of its infrastructure, expansions, and air services by influential figures, citizens, and military officials.

In its meeting, the Authority approved a set of measures to track down 357 defendants and refer them to the prosecution to complete the procedures for filing criminal cases against them.

The Authority also approved the completion of the investigation into the violations that affected the airport campus by the remaining 542 defendants.

The Authority directed the completion of the fencing of the airport campus lands to prevent robberies, as well as the completion of the construction structure of the airport as an international airport to benefit from it in air transport services for a number of provinces.