official Ansar Allah website closed under pretext of publishing hate content


The German company Contabo closed the official Ansar Allah website, which was hosted on one of its servers, under the pretext of publishing content inciting hatred for Zionism.

The official website of Ansar Allah confirmed in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that this illegal measure, which violates the freedom of the press, publication, and expression guaranteed by international law and United Nations charters, is sufficient evidence of the falsity of the slogans of democracy and freedom of opinion and expression that the West pays lip service to.

He pointed out that the closure process came in the context of attempts to mislead world public opinion with the aim of covering up the crimes of genocide committed by the Zionist enemy against children , women in Gaza and Palestine in general.

The statement considered blocking the site, stealing the materials published on it, and fighting its extensions on the social networking sites “Facebook – YouTube” and other sites affiliated with the national authorities in the country as a form of aggression against Yemen as a result of its honorable position in support of the oppressed Palestinians.

He also considered it evidence of the inability of the Zionist lobby and its malicious arms to face the light of truth and a satanic measure that seeks to hide Zionist , American crimes and limit their publication to the world.

The statement noted that work is underway to operate the site, stressing that this measure will not weaken the site’s determination to confront the arrogance of the Zionist lobby and to continue revealing the facts with professionalism and credibility on the basis of “an eye on the Qur’an and an eye on the events.”

He stressed the continued support of the Palestinians by all means and capabilities, along with the rest of the free media, as part of the battle of the “promised conquest and holy jihad” in which the Yemeni people are moving, surpassing all difficulties.