At least three detainees tortured to death in UAE-run prison

At least three detainees were killed under torture inside a UAE-run prison in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, which is under the control of Saudi-led coalition forces.

Journalist Ahmed Maher, who was detained by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council since mid-2022, confirmed in a post on his Facebook account that three detainees were killed due to the brutal torture they were subjected to in one of the prisons run by the STC’s factions in Aden.

Maher reported that one of the detainees from Dhamar governorate named Abdullah Al-Hayi died due to torture, in addition to Nawar Sharif and one of the sons of Mansoura identified only as “J.A.” due to sexual torture by inserting “iron into his anus,” according to the post.

He pointed out that the Aden prosecutor’s office, loyal to the coalition, turns a blind eye to the brutal torture crimes committed by the Emirati factions against detainees and prisoners.

“I did not know that the prosecutor’s office investigates torture centers under the supervision of the executioner, who then orders them what to write. This is verified and the court does not rule on these cases and considers them as irrelevant,” he said.

Emirati factions have committed various types of torture against detainees and prisoners in nearly 17 secret prisons supervised by Emirati officers, including the use of rape and sexual torture, according to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in August 2018.