IRGC chief: Strike on ‘Israel’ more successful than expected


The commander of the Iranian Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Hussein Salami, said that verified reports showed that the Iranian response has been significantly more successful than anticipated.

The IRGC chief said that the Islamic Republic “carried out a limited operation, which was commensurate with the Zionist regime’s evil acts.”

Salami said that Tehran is still gathering further intel about the damage caused by the missiles on the targets, “but a number of the impacts, about which we have accurate, documented and field reports on, reveal that the operation [had] greater-than-expected success,”

He emphasized that “It could have been conducted on a wider scope, but we confined to Israeli facilities used to attack our consulate [in Damascus)]”.

The United States, as well as Israeli settlers, officials, and Israeli forces have recognized “how crushing Iran’s attack was,” he said.

Salami cautioned the occupation entity to alter its behavior and learn a lesson from Iran’s strikes., and warned that any attack on Iran would trigger a much harsher reponse.

He also said that the Iranians have cemented “a new equation with the Zionist entity,” which is to respond to any attack on Iranian territories, announcing the start of a “new page of confrontation with the Zionist enemy.”

Salami confirmed that “overcoming the Zionist and American defense systems in the region, and hitting the specified targets, was not an easy task,” but Iranian military plans “were creative and managed to penetrate the layers of the Zionist defense systems, as well as that of its American and French allies.”

The IRGC launched a massive operation late Saturday, targeting the occupation entity with dozens of missiles and drones in response to the attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus last week, which resulted in the martyrdom of seven senior IRGC advisors, including Brigadier General martyr Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the leader of the IRGC’s Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon.

In a statement, the Corps said that the operation targeting “Israel,” dubbed “Truthful Promise,” came following the “silence and neglect” of international organizations regarding the attack on the consulate and the assassination of its senior members. The statement pointed out that the United Nations Security Council also failed to condemn the Israeli aggression or punish the entity in accordance with Article 7 of the UN Charter.


Source: Al-Maydeen English