Leader of The Revolution confirms The effort to strengthen The 4th stage of escalation


The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on Thursday affirmed the endeavor to strengthen the fourth stage of escalation in terms of momentum and strength of strikes.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi said in his speech about the latest developments in the aggression against Gaza and regional developments, “Work is continuing to overcome the enemies’ techniques and the multiple and dense belts they form to protect themselves and their ships in the Mediterranean Sea and the long-term range.”

He added, “We will spare no effort in strengthening the fourth stage and preparing for what comes after it in the fifth stage and others.


All the enemy’s efforts will fail and we will be able to overcome them, God willing, and just as they failed previously in possessing the ability to intercept in the theater of operations, they will fail in the fourth stage.”

The fourth stage of escalation against the American-British Zionist enemy is important because it targets the ships of all companies that transport goods to the Israeli enemy towards any port.

The Leader of the Revolution indicated that the Israeli enemy’s continued aggression, siege, and incursion into Rafah means the necessity of seeking further escalation on all fronts of support, hoping that the Iraqi brothers will partner with the Yemeni people regarding the fourth stage.

He called on the Yemeni people to come out in their millions tomorrow, Friday, in the capital, Sana’a, and the rest of the provinces, in order to continue solidarity with the Palestinian people, support their just cause, and support their valiant resistance in the face of the Zionist-American enemy.

He said, “I hope, God willing, that our dear people will continue their million-man protest with great momentum in response to God, with patience, perseverance, and persistence without weakness, fatigue, or retreat.”

He explained that the continuing million-man protest on a weekly basis shows the level of interaction and popular orientation without getting tired or bored.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi reiterated that the weekly commitment of the Yemeni people to the two million people’s exit, with awareness and a sense of responsibility to support the Palestinian people in a way that is distinct from any other people, is important and great.

He considered the Yemeni people’s taking out the Streets in the rain and extreme heat as an indication of their interaction and sense of responsibility towards the Palestinian people, supporting their just cause, and supporting their valiant resistance.

He reported that the popular activities and military mobilization are very active and that the number of people enrolled has exceeded 300,000 trainees.


There is an increase in military mobilization by 13,959 trainees and will reach half a million trainees, while the military maneuvers associated with the mobilization have reached 735 maneuvers.

The leader of the revolution pointed out that the hostile media attack on the Yemen front more than any other front, and the focus on any issue or problem internally and turning it into the issue of the 21st century, aims to distract and make the Yemeni people forget about everything that is happening in Gaza.

He stressed that stopping supporting the Palestinian people is the goal of the Americans, the British, and the Israelis, pointing out that the level of awareness of the dear Yemeni people and the weekly outing of millions has disappointed the enemies’ horns and ignited the barking of their dogs.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi reviewed the operations of the Yemeni armed forces within the framework of the battle of the “Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad,” stressing that the Yemeni Front carried out 40 operations against the Zionist enemy with 211 missiles.

He stated that seven operations of this week were carried out with 13 ballistic missiles, wings and drones in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, stressing that the inauguration of the fourth phase of the escalation began this week towards the Mediterranean Sea, with two qualitative operations, and he indicated that the military operations on American ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden amounted to more than 100 attacks with missiles and drones, indicating that the American, Israeli and British enemy are seeking to change their course in the Indian Ocean by moving to the east, and this adds a greater cost to them.


He said, “The companies that transport goods to the Israeli enemy they will be targeted anywhere under the capabilities of the Yemeni army reach,” noting that the more the American, the Israeli and the British, the more they contributed to the development of the range of missiles and drones.


He added, “There are countries and companies that had a positive attitude in their understanding of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden stage, and they stopped transporting in favor of the Israeli enemy through this path, and those countries and companies were clearly aware that Yemen’s humanitarian and legitimate position is linked to what is happening in Gaza.”

The Leader of the Revolution expressed the hope of China, Russia, and various Asian and European countries to understand the measure regarding the transfer to the rest of the occupied Palestinian ports in favor of the Zionist enemy.


Transfer to the occupied Palestinian ports.


He continued, “It is in the interest of all companies to stop the transfer in favor of the Israeli enemy towards the Mediterranean or in any direction,” he added.

He called on everyone to put pressure on the Zionist enemy to stop the crimes of genocide it has committed since October 7, 2023, against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied territories.

He said, “In the 38th week and the 223rd day, the Zionist enemy is still committing the genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.


The massacres amounted to more than three thousand and 185 massacres.


Strong and resolute stances to seek to prevent the genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza and Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that the number of martyrs, missing persons, prisoners and wounded in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was 138,750 Palestinians. For the victims.


He pointed out that the pace of Zionist crime is increasing day after day, and this week it committed 45 massacres that resulted in the death and injury of a thousand Palestinian civilians, in addition to the enemy entity continuing to impose a siege and pursuing a deliberate policy of starvation against the residents of the Gaza Strip.

He stressed that the Americans have a fundamental role in the war of starvation and extermination with their deadly and destructive bombs, and there is interest in America in how to make powerful bombs that destroy cities, which indicates the American criminal and aggressive approach.

The leader of the revolution stated that the Americans, from the beginning, manufactured their weapons in a way that would destroy cities and kill the population en masse, pointing out that the Americans, in their strategy and war tactics, put cities and their civilian populations in the circle of targeting.

He said, “In the war of starvation, the American is the one who arranged the plan to target the Rafah crossing and provided the Israeli enemy with all forms of support, and he participated in the annihilation of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in starving the rest of them.”

He stated that the Israeli enemy seeks to inflict the worst and harshest suffering on the Palestinians, a situation that reflects the criminal tendency of the enemy, adding, “Many Palestinian families were displaced during the period of aggression more than five times under the nose and eyes of the international community and its organizations.”


He pointed out that the Zionist enemy was monitoring the displaced during their movement from one area to another in the Gaza Strip to kill them en masse, explaining that the tragedy in Gaza this week coincided with the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, when Britain enabled the Jews to occupy Palestine.

The leader of the revolution continued, “The British empowered the Jews of Palestine with their crimes, targeting free Palestinians, and obstructing any liberation movement. While empowering the Jews, the British worked in the Arab environment so that there would be no strong reaction to support the Palestinian people.”

He stressed that every step taken by the British and the Zionist Jews during the occupation of Palestine was met with Arab and Islamic failure, and one of the biggest mistakes – some through negligence and others through complicity – was the absence of events during the occupation of Palestine from the school curricula.

He stated that the horrific crimes occurred during the occupation of Palestine and the headlines of rights, democracy and freedom became present in the West. Despite the false headlines of the Western countries during the occupation of Palestine, they did not stand up to the brutal crimes, but rather provided support to the Zionists.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi expressed his regret at the Arabs’ failure to the Palestinian people in their revolution in 1936 AD, and if they had provided sufficient support, we might have avoided Nakba that occurred later, pointing to the fundamental role of Britain and America in genocide and displacement during the occupation of Palestine, which was the largest ethnic cleansing process in the twentieth century.

He stated that it is shameful for the United Nations that it accepted the Israeli enemy as a member, which is an occupying entity based on crime and tyranny, stressing that the Arab movement during the occupation of Palestine was weak, and was not based on continuity and mobilization among the peoples for jihad for the sake of God.

He pointed out that the early Arab move was supposed to protect Palestine and its sanctities, and instead there was a great negligence, indicating that the Arab negligence in the events of Nakba brought the Israeli enemy to the occupation of al-Quds and the rest of Palestine.

He said, “During the occupation of Palestine, the Iranian address, as they promote it today, because the Tehran regime at that stage was not at odds with America,” he said, pointing out that the American and Israeli attempt to present the position of the enemy as if it were an Iranian issue is deception, superficiality and naivety.

The leader of the revolution indicated that the Americans present the Arabs as if they are without a cause and push them to be friendly with “Israel”, and this is stupidity and arrogance for the peoples, while the Arabs were the first to be targeted, and therefore they bear primarily the responsibility of confronting the Zionist Jews.

He indicated that the state of the American and European countries that have a colonial tendency is greed in the Arab and Islamic countries and their wealth, as long as the conditions are ready for that.

He explained that over the course of 76 years, since Nakba, the crimes against the Palestinian people have continued, in light of Arab inaction and American support for the Jews. What is happening today in Gaza is a repetition of the criminal scene during Nakba, with the capabilities of the enemy today, along with American support.


The leader considered the Palestinian steadfastness of the fighters at this stage greater than any stage that has passed in the history of the Palestinian people, stressing that the steadfastness of the Palestinian resistance to the various factions proves the failure of the Zionist enemy to achieve any of its goals in the Gaza Strip.

He talked about the student demonstrations and protests taking place in American universities and European countries, denouncing the depressing crimes committed by the Zionist entity in Gaza, expressing hope that these student protests will continue in America and the West during the summer vacation, as long as the aggression continues in Gaza.

He pointed out that the American and European-backed Zionist enemy entity sought to commit more war crimes and genocide in its invasion of Rafah, stressing that it was the American who/that drew up a plan and method of the Israeli ground aggression towards Rafah.

The Leader of the Revolution praised the steadfastness of the fighters from the various Palestinian factions, led by al-Qassam Brigades and al-Quds Brigades, which frustrated the Israeli enemy, noting that the return of the fighting to Jabalia and al-Zaytoun neighborhood at this crucial and articulated stage proves the failure of the Israeli enemy.

He said, “In some camps, the fighting returned for the fifth time, and every time the Israeli enemy announced that it had settled the battle, while the fighters were actively, arrogantly and annoyed by the Israeli enemy, beating its allegations of eliminating or dismantling them.”

He stressed that the Palestinian resistance in Gaza is still incurring painful losses, by targeting 70 vehicles within a week, and the morale of the fighters are high, and he stated that the Israeli enemy’s continuation of the aggression against Gaza and its quest to escalate towards Rafah means greater attrition, and the longer the time for the aggression, the greater the failure of the enemy, and its inevitable defeat awaits it in the end, stressing that any escalatory steps towards Rafah means the escalation of the support fronts in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stopped at the Lebanese front, which carried out many effective operations, this week, on the enemy, stressing that the Lebanese front is a front that is of great importance because it is a direct front and its influence extends from northern Palestine to the reality of the enemy in general.

He stated that the Iraqi Front has moved again to the escalation, praising this approach, expressing at the same time the hope of the Iraq front, more and more effectiveness to abuse the Zionist enemy.