Hundreds of families leave Aden due to poor services


Hundreds of families have left the city of Aden, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition, due to the deadly high temperatures, the continued lack of electricity service, the continuous rise in basic goods, and poor services in the city.

As a result of electrical power plants being out of service due to fuel running out, many families left their homes in the city because they were unable to purchase alternative energy and stay in the city due to the deterioration of living conditions and their trend toward the worst.

Families headed to rural areas in the provinces neighboring Aden after recording cases of fainting, deaths, and shortness of breath as a result of the extreme heat, where the temperature reached 40 degrees, with the hours of power outages continuing to increase to more than 19 hours per day.

Aden is witnessing a catastrophic collapse in services and a rise in the prices of food commodities due to the continuous deterioration of the Yemeni riyal against foreign currencies, with the price of the US dollar exceeding 1,765 riyals during the last hours of Thursday.