Abyan tribes extend their deadline to the Aden government regarding Kidnaped Sons

Abyan tribes extended their deadline for the Aden government to reveal the fate of one of its military sons kidnapped by the STC. This comes in the wake of the intervention of the Minister of Defense of Aden to prevent the fall of the separatist council.

Tribal sources reported that a tribal committee informed the Supreme Security Committee, led by the Minister of Defense of Aden, Mohsen al-Daari, of a new deadline of 72 hours, stipulating that the fate of the military commander, Ali Ashal al-Jaadani, be revealed.

The new deadline comes after a previous expiration of 4 days.

It also comes in the wake of the Supreme Security Committee in Aden issuing decisions, including placing 4 on the wanted list, in addition to arresting a leader in the anti-terrorism faction in Aden, all of whom are leaders in the transitional council.

The security decision came hours before calls for the movement to Aden.

The calls were not limited to Abyan, but also included Lahj and Yafa, while Al-Dhale disavowed the STC’s crimes.

These developments are the latest transformation in the conflict between the parties in the south. Although the slogan is a humanitarian issue and one of thousands of issues that have been violated in Aden over the past years, some of them with regional motives, there are fears that it will be a final bullet in the heart of the transitional, especially since the Abyan tribes to which it belongs Former President Hadi initiated the escalation with political slogans, including demanding that it share power and wealth in the south.