Health Minsitry condemns the crime of mercenaries in Taiz


The Ministry of Public Health and Population condemned the targeting of drone aircraft, affiliated with the mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression, on citizens’ homes in the village of Habour al-Sharqi in  Al Shaqab region in Sabr al-Mawadim District, which led to the death of two children and the injury of seven others, most of them children.


In a statement – received by the Yemeni News Agency (SABA), the Ministry held the aggression countries and its mercenaries responsible, humanely, morally and legally for this brutal crime, and all previous crimes, which constantly target civilians and civilian objects.


The statement stressed that these crimes and violations are considered full-fledged war crimes, according to the international description, and a flagrant violation of all international, humanitarian and moral laws and conventions.

The fact that the targets are innocent civilians and children, is inconsistent with the necessities of peace.