Sana’a University witnesses a massive student march in loyalty to Gaza

Sana’a University witnessed today a massive student and academic march “Loyalty to Gaza, and a call for an uprising for all students of the world”, denouncing and condemning the continued genocide massacres against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

The student and academic crowds, in which the university president Dr. Al-Qassem Abbas, his deputies, deans of colleges and research centers, and university affiliates, including students, academics, and administrators, participated, denounced the ongoing crimes of the Zionist enemy against the children and women of Gaza, their storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the tearing up of copies of the Holy Qur’an by Zionist soldiers in a mosque in the Gaza Strip.

The participants raised the Yemeni and Palestinian flags, chanting slogans and chants denouncing the genocide massacres for the eleventh month against the Palestinian people, and the Zionist enemy’s crossing of red lines and its disregard for all international norms, charters, and laws.

The student and academic crowds denounced the silence of the international community, the complicity of the Arab and client regimes, and the silence of the peoples of the nation on the Zionists’ tearing of the Qur’an, the repeated and provocative incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the desecration of its courtyards, warning the sons and peoples of the Islamic nation of the danger of remaining silent about turning Gaza into a bloody slaughterhouse targeting women, children, human values ​​and morals, and the failure and neglect of Islamic sanctities, and the consequences of that shameful silence.

The statement issued by the march called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to be angry, take serious and effective action, and take positions to support the Palestinian people and support the heroes of the resistance who are writing the most wonderful epics of sacrifice and redemption in the face of the usurping Zionist enemy.