Economic collapse sparks angry protests in occupied provinces


Yesterday, a number of governorates under the control of the occupation witnessed angry popular protests and a comprehensive strike of shops due to the catastrophic economic collapse.

The people of Taiz went out in an angry protest demonstration denouncing the economic deterioration and the catastrophic collapse of the local currency against foreign currencies.

The participants in the demonstration demanded that the aggression coalition and its mercenary government leave due to the failure to stop the continuous collapse of the local currency against the dollar.

The demonstrators raised banners on which they wrote, “Our pain has worsened”, and “No more coalition, Yemeni, wake up.”

While shops closed their doors, announcing a comprehensive strike, which plunged the city into complete commercial paralysis due to the instability of commodity prices from time to time.

On the other hand, angry citizens in the city of Lawdar in Abyan Governorate closed exchange shops and companies in protest against the manipulation of the prices of the local currency, which reached a low level against foreign currencies.

The mercenary government affiliated with the occupation tried to calm the street by holding a meeting yesterday with the bank’s management to follow up on the interventions implemented to control the currency exchange rates and the measures required to restore the situation to normal, stop speculation and arrest manipulators.

It is worth noting that the exchange rate of one US dollar exceeded 2000 riyals of the local currency in the governorates under the control of the occupation.

Many observers believe that the areas under the control of the occupation are likely to witness an angry wave of protests in the coming days due to the increasing collapse of the local currency.

Despite the ongoing popular demonstrations demanding an end to the collapse of the local currency, the mercenary government has not taken any significant steps to address the disaster, which has led citizens to believe that this “government” is the cause of the problem and cannot be part of the solution.

It is noteworthy that the mercenary government affiliated with the occupation had printed more than five trillion and three hundred billion riyals without cover, which led to a continuous decline in the local currency in the areas under the control of the occupation, and the inability of families to provide the necessary needs of life.