Governor of Aden: October 14 revolution celebration reaffirms the continued struggle against occupiers


The Governor of Aden, Tariq Mustafa Sallam, affirmed that the Yemeni people’s celebration of the 61st anniversary of the glorious October 14, 1963, Revolution serves as a reaffirmation of the continued struggle against oppressors and occupiers.

He highlighted that Yemen, which achieved victory in the September and October revolutions against British occupation in 1963, and more recently against Western, American, and Zionist conspiracies in 2014, will continue its liberation efforts despite the challenges and difficulties. The struggle will persist until all occupied Yemeni lands are fully liberated.

Sallam emphasized that the October Revolution marks a significant occasion and a historic milestone for Yemen. It was through this revolution that the southern part of the country was freed from Western imperialist British occupation, which had oppressed the Yemeni people and desecrated their lands for nearly 125 years.

He further pointed out that the current actions and criminal behavior in the occupied southern and eastern governorates demonstrate the ongoing efforts of Western British powers, along with other colonial and arrogant states, to target Yemen and its people. These powers seek to restore the dominance and empire that were defeated by the steadfastness of the October revolutionaries, who overcame the British arsenal.

Sallam condemned the dangerous criminal role played by the occupiers and their mercenaries in the occupied southern and eastern governorates.

He pointed to the ongoing destruction, looting, and exploitation of Yemen’s resources, violations of its sovereignty, and the degradation of its social fabric.

He also denounced the occupiers’ policy of starvation and intimidation, used to silence all opposing voices in these regions.

This, Salam said, reveals the sinister objectives of the US-British occupiers, who seek to implement hidden agendas after their colonial plans were thwarted by the revolutions of Yemen’s free people on October 14 and September 21. These revolutions forced the occupiers to leave by force, ensuring they would never return.