Supreme Committee for Celebrations approves the plan to commemorate the first anniversary “Al-Aqsa Flood” Battle


The Supreme Committee for Religious and National Celebrations and Occasions approved in its meeting today, headed by Prime Minister Ahmed Ghaleb Al-Rahwi, the general plan to commemorate the first anniversary of the launch of the blessed “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle on October 7th at the official and popular levels.

The committee began its meeting by reciting Al-Fatihah for the soul of the martyr of the nation and humanity, the Mujahid leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and all the martyrs in the axis of resistance.

The approved plan included the general guidelines for the occasion that focus on highlighting the various aspects related to October 7th, and this pivotal battle in the life of the nation and its existential struggle in confronting the usurping Zionist entity, and its expansionist project that targets the Arab region, its security, stability, and the safety of its peoples, their identity and culture, in addition to the major transformations that this blessed battle has brought about on the path to liberating Al-Aqsa and Palestine, as well as the Zionist crimes and massacres committed against our Palestinian and Lebanese brothers.

The directives stressed the importance of highlighting the role of jihad in reviving the nation and improving its conditions and capabilities in confronting its enemies and those who lie in wait for it, and preserving its dignity, pride and loftiness among nations.

The plan also included the activities and events that will be held on the occasion, including scientific and cultural seminars to shed light on this battle and its results achieved during the year and its impact in bringing the just Palestinian cause back to the forefront after the Zionist enemy and the normalizing regimes worked to liquidate it at the expense of the owners of the land.

The Supreme Committee approved the draft directives for the work of public and private media institutions and outlets to commemorate the occasion, submitted by Minister of Information Hashem Sharaf al-Din, and to highlight its importance and positive effects on the Palestinian cause.

The directives include a number of aspects that should be addressed by the media, including presenting the honorable Yemeni position on the operation, highlighting the positions of our people in supporting the people of Gaza, and its harmony with the position of the master of words and actions, the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, as well as the role of the Yemeni armed forces in supporting the battle, in addition to highlighting the economic damage inflicted on the usurping entity as a result of the operations of the armed forces and the American retreat in front of the armed forces in the Red and Arabian Seas and the Gulf of Aden, in addition to producing a documentary film about the battle and the Yemeni role “leadership, people and armed forces” following the start of the battle and the honorable presence of the axis of resistance in supporting the battle.

The Supreme Committee also approved holding a major popular march in the capital, Sana’a, and similar marches in the free governorates and directorates to commemorate October 7.

It called on the Yemeni people to participate widely in these marches in line with the importance of the strategic battle in the course of the conflict and confronting the Israeli enemy and what it has achieved of great and unprecedented results for the benefit of the nation and the owners of the cause, the brotherly Palestinian people, and what it has inflicted of great humiliation on the Israeli enemy and revealed the ugliness of its criminal face.. stressing the responsibility of all free Yemenis to commemorate October 7 as a religious, humanitarian and moral duty in the course of supporting the Palestinian cause and supporting the oppressed in Gaza and their free, brave and valiant resistance who were subjected to shameful betrayal by the Arab regimes.

The Supreme Committee praised the great role of the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in supporting the battle of “Al-Aqsa Flood”, who launched his famous statement to the brotherly Palestinian people (You are not alone) after its launch, to prove the days the strength of the support of our Yemeni people and its armed forces for their brothers in Gaza since then until today.

It also approved the continuation of the activities celebrating the first anniversary of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa until October 14, coinciding with our people’s celebrations of the 61st anniversary of the glorious October 14 Revolution.

The Prime Minister stressed that October 7 represented a victory for the nation and a catastrophe for the Zionists and their followers in the region from normalizers and those who identify with them.. explaining that commemorating this immortal day in the life of the Arab and Islamic nation should be at the level of the event and the strategic results it has achieved so far.. directing all government agencies to participate actively in commemorating the occasion and highlighting its importance.

He praised the efforts made by the official spokesman for the government and the Minister of Information, and his keeping pace with all events related to the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa and others, and his efforts to develop the media performance of various public media institutions and enhance its pivotal presence in the course of the battle of awareness against the enemies of the nation, foremost of which is the Israeli enemy.