New rallies for Palestine take place across Yemen

Millions of Yemeni people took to the streets on Friday in al-Sabeen Square, the largest square in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, and other Yemeni provinces, in support for the Palestinian people and their resistance in Gaza, under the slogan “With Gaza to Victory, and Lebanon’s Triumph; Down with Occupation.”

A statement was  issued by the rallies congratulated Hezbollah and the Lebanese people on the historic victory achieved over the Israeli enemy during this critical and significant phase, following an unprecedented Israeli aggression on Lebanon.

The statement regarded this triumph as a precursor to a greater victory against the triad of evil—Israel, America, and Britain—in Palestine and throughout the Arab and Islamic regions.

The statement affirmed the participants’ commitment to the call of the leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, to exert more efforts militarily, popularly, and in all fields to support the Palestinian people.