Yemeni fishermen in Hadhramaut protest against Emirati occupation


Yemeni fishermen from Shihr city in Hadhramaut province, eastern Yemen, staged a protest demonstration against UAE  occupation forces’ persistent restrictions on fishing since 2016.

The demonstrators who toured the streets of Shihr in Ghayl Ba Wazir district raised banners demanding that they be allowed to fish in the Arabian Sea, while the local authorities continue to fulfill their legitimate demands for more than 8 years.

They argued that living conditions have worsened due to restrictions imposed by American and Emirati occupation forces stationed at Al-Rayyan Airport for security reasons.

Last September, fishermen were attacked with a hand grenade after holding an open sit-in demanding UAE forces’ permission to fish.

During the sit-in, hundreds of fishermen blocked the international coastal road linking Mukalla to Mahrah province and the Sultanate of Oman in protest against not being allowed to fish.