Al-Aqsa Support Committee Condemns Zionist Aggression On Syria ,Calls For A Million-Man March

The Higher Committee for the Support of Al-Aqsa, in its weekly meeting chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister scholar Muhammad Muftah, condemned the ongoing Zionist aggression on Gaza and its targeting of the Syrian people, stressing the continuation of mobilization efforts and popular mobilization in support of the Palestinian resistance.

The committee discussed the developments in Gaza and the positive results achieved by the intellectual and cultural mobilization and boycott campaigns in the capital Sana’a and the governorates, especially Dhamar, in promoting awareness of the importance of supporting the Palestinian cause. It also praised the successful military operations of the resistance factions and the Yemeni armed forces against Israeli and American targets, noting the importance of expanding the circle of popular and official response.

The Committee condemned the Zionist entity’s targeting of the resources of the Syrian people and the silence of the international community in the face of the ongoing violations of Syrian territory, calling on the United Nations to take a clear and deterrent position.

At the end of the meeting, the committee called for the mass exit of two million next Friday in Al-Sabeen Square and the rest of the governorates, under the slogan “We are steadfast with Gaza and continue to confront the Zionist-American project”, emphasizing the solidarity of the Yemeni people with Gaza and the oppressed in Palestine.