Al-Shaab Foundation Implements Courses In Economic Empowerment In Shu’ub Directorate

The Saawan Development Office, affiliated with the People’s Social Foundation for Development, continues the activities of the economic empowerment courses organized by the foundation for 120 trainees from the daughters of Bilal’s descendants in the city of Saawan in the Shu’ub Directorate and the surrounding areas in the capital.

Abdullah Hussein Al-Kabsi – Executive Director General of the People’s Social Foundation for Development explained in a statement to (Al-Thawra) that the economic empowerment courses, which are held under the sponsorship and funding of Yemen Mobile Company for mobile phones, include four main courses in the fields of: sewing, tailoring, engraving, handicrafts, incense and perfume making.

He noted that these training courses, which are held over a period of 3 months, aim to create new job opportunities for productive families in light of the difficult economic conditions that the country is going through.

He noted  the importance of such courses in combating poverty and begging and contributing to building the family and society.

He called on businessmen, private sector companies and national companies to contribute their role and support the rehabilitation and training of poor families and provide the labor market with the required professional and vocational capabilities and skills.