Enhancing Capabilities Of 32 Cadres From Oil Company In Computer Applications

A training program in computer applications for 32 cadres from the Yemen Petroleum Company, funded and supervised by the Skills Development Fund, concluded in Sana’a today.

The program, implemented through the Petroleum and Mineral Training Center, aimed at providing participants from the company’s general administration and departments in the municipality with computer skills and applications.

In conclusion, the Executive Director of the Fund, Jamil Al-Nuaimi, explained that this program comes within the courses and programs provided by the Fund to its shareholders from the public, private and mixed sectors, according to the training needs of their institutions.

The company’s training manager, Mohammed Al-Zubairi, stated that the program comes within several similar training activities, through which the company aims to eradicate computer literacy among its employees at all administrative levels and to ensure the improvement of the company’s overall performance.

Anas Al-Asbahi, Director of the Training Center, explained that the program included several activities and courses, which focused on the use of computers, word processing, presentations, electronic tables, databases, basics of the Internet and e-mail, and cooperation via the Internet.

Al-Asbahi stated that the participants carried out evaluation tests after each session of the program to ensure the effectiveness of the training they received.