Hamas Welcomes UNGA Resolution Affirming Palestinians’ Right To Self-determination

Hamas welcomed the UN General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution affirming the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and called for translating UN resolutions into effective steps that would end the occupation and enable the establishment of the Palestinian State.

Hamas said in a statement on Wednesday, “We welcome the UN General Assembly’s adoption of a resolution affirming the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, with a majority of 172 states in favor.”

The resolution is considered an expression of global solidarity and belief in the justice of the Palestinian cause, which manifests a widespread rejection of the occupation and its criminal policies backed by the US administration that denies the rights of the Palestinian people, the statement added.

It urged the international community and the UN to override unjust the US’s will and to exert pressure to translate these resolutions into practical steps that halt the aggression, end the occupation, and allow Palestinians to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.