Miftah, Qahim & Shaiban Review Services Provided By Oncology Treatment Center

First Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed Miftah, Ministers of Transport and Public Works Mohammed Qahim, Health and Environment Dr. Ali Shaiban, and the Secretary of the Capital Dr. Hamoud Abad, were briefed on the level of services provided by the National Oncology Treatment Center.

During the visit, Miftah, Qahim and Shaiban listened to a briefing by the director of the National Oncology Center, Dr. Abdullah Thawaba, on the progress of work at the center and the difficulties it faces.

They also discussed the mechanism and procedures related to the National Oncology Center’s use of the central laboratory building belonging to the Ministry of Transport and Public Works.

The First Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the importance of the services provided by the center in alleviating the suffering of cancer patients.

The Minister of Transport and Works stressed the importance of concerted efforts to develop and improve medical services for cancer patients in order to reduce their suffering, especially in light of the difficult conditions the country is going through as a aggression result.

For his part, the Health and Environment Minister praised the efforts of the leadership of the Transport and Works Ministry in supporting the Oncology Treatment Center in a way that reflects on the service of its patients.