Ministries Of Justice and Human Rights Holds Seminar On Legal Responsibility Of Diplomatic Missions & International Organizations

The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights organized today a legal seminar entitled “Criminal and Civil Responsibility of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and International Agencies” with the participation of judges, prosecutors, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and relevant parties.

The seminar focused on promoting awareness of international conventions and the limits of legal immunities granted to diplomatic missions and international agencies, and their impact on cases before national courts. The seminar witnessed the discussion of three working papers, including:

1. Basic concepts of diplomatic immunities and privileges (Dean of the Diplomatic Institute, Ambassador Dr. Ahmed Al-Imad).

2. Immunities guaranteed to diplomatic and consular missions (Judge Majid Al-Ansi).

3. Immunities of the United Nations and specialized international organizations (Dr. Najib Obaid).

The seminar concluded with several recommendations, most notably:

Encourage courts to resolve disputes involving diplomatic missions or international organizations through reconciliation and alternative means in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Respect the immunities of diplomatic missions and their bank accounts, and work to resolve problems diplomatically.

Oblige the offices of international organizations to document contracts and projects in Arabic to avoid conflicts resulting from translation.