President Al-Mashat offers condolences on the death of Scholar Mohammad Hamza Al-Qahoum

His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, sent a cable of condolences and sympathy on the death of Scholar Muhammad Hamza Nasser Al-Qahoum at the age of 73.

In the cable he sent to the son of the deceased, Jaafar, and all the Al-Qahoum family, President Al-Mashat praised the virtues of the deceased and his honorable national positions in confronting the US-Saudi aggression, as well as his role in reconciling the two parties.

He expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to the son of the deceased and all members of his family on this affliction ,asking God Almighty to bestow upon him His vast mercy and forgiveness and to dwell in His spacious gardens and to inspire his family and relatives with patience and solace.

“We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.”