Supreme Judicial Council Reviews Supreme Court Achievements Over The Past Three Months


In its meeting today, the Supreme Judicial Council reviewed a report on the level of achievement of the Supreme Court during the past three months, chaired by the President of the Council, Judge Dr. Abdulmumin Shuja’a al-Din.

The report included a brief presentation of the most important reforms undertaken by the court in the judicial, organizational and administrative aspects during the past three months with the aim of completing its work and developing its performance and working mechanisms to ensure the speedy adjudication of cases before it.

The Council praised the efforts made by the Supreme Court to expedite the adjudication of cases, develop and improve its work, and issue a number of judicial circulars to organize work and control the conduct of procedures in various courts.

The Council continued its discussion on the draft manual for division procedures, directing it to the General Secretariat for finalization after incorporating all the feedback provided by some members. It will be submitted for approval in a future meeting.

Additionally, the Council reviewed the proposed amendments to certain articles of the Civil Procedure and Enforcement Law.

The Minister of Justice and Human Rights, along with the Head of the Inspection Authority, were tasked with preparing a comprehensive matrix that includes the comments, suggestions, and proposals on these amendments, to be presented to the Council in a future meeting.

The Council addressed several grievances from judicial members in accordance with the law and reviewed requests for the reconsideration of specific judicial rulings referred by the Presidential Office, making appropriate decisions on the matter.

The Council also discussed various agenda items, took the necessary actions, and reviewed and approved the minutes of its previous meeting.