Yemeni graduates conduct military maneuver simulating attack on Israeli targets

Units of graduates from the open military courses ” Al-Aqsa Flood” in the Al-Mahadhir area of the Sahar district in Saada Governorate carried out a military maneuver today under the slogan “With You Until Victory.”

The exercise includes executing a Yemeni attack on simulated Israeli targets, demonstrating the skills acquired by the graduates in the use of light and medium weapons, reconnaissance, defense, attack, camouflage, and the ability to precisely hit targets.

The maneuver aimed to enhance the graduates’ efficiency in mobilization units in preparation for executing any operations as part of the escalation phases announced by the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

The organizers of the open courses confirmed that this maneuver is part of the preparations and boosting readiness for any confrontation with the enemies, and in support of the Palestinian people’s suffering, who are undergoing genocide, crimes, and brutal massacres by the Israeli enemy.

They emphasized the importance of joining the open military courses to acquire military skills, combat knowledge, and the use of modern weapons in preparation for the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Sacred Jihad.