Mines Kill, Injure 228 In Unexploded Ordnance In 2024

The Executive Center for Mine Action on Wednesday reported that 228 people were killed or injured by mines, cluster bombs, and other unexploded ordnance in 2024.

The report highlighted that 66 people were killed and 162 injured, with a significant number of casualties among children.

Hodeida, Sana’a, and Jawf were identified as the provinces with the highest number of casualties.

The report expressed concern over the lack of support for mine action activities since the transfer of responsibilities to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen in June 2023.

The Executive Center for Mine Action called upon the United Nations to assume responsibility for supporting mine action efforts in Yemen and to provide adequate resources to address this critical humanitarian issue.

This report underscores the urgent need for continued support for mine action activities in Yemen to protect civilians from the devastating impact of unexploded ordnance.