Sheikh Abdullah Al-Razami Sends Message To Sayyed Abdul-Malik

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Razami, the prominent scholar and Mujahid, sent a message to the Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, expressing his “highest congratulations” for the victory achieved under the leadership of Sayyed Abdul-Malik, particularly for the successful strikes against US aircraft carriers and Israeli occupiers of Palestine.

Al-Razami praised the leadership of the Leader, calling him a “great, brave, and noble leader” who has revived the dignity and strength of the nation in times of submission and retreat before the criminal Zionist regime.

He emphasized that Sayyed Abdul-Maik had restored the glory of the nation, urging him to continue with the support of Allah and the righteous people, despite the challenges posed by the enemies and their collaborators.

He affirmed the collective commitment to the Leader, declaring: “We say to our enemies, you have failed and lost. We are all for our great Leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Badr al-Din.”

Al-Razami addressed the Americans and Israelis, saying, “We see Allah’s promises being fulfilled by our leader, and we are a nation raised with the slogan of confronting oppressors, aware of divine laws guiding us against you.”

He concluded the message with a powerful declaration: “Our slogan is our cry, and our leader is Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the Quran is our guide, and America and Israel are our enemies.”