STC Factions Besiege Ma’ashiq Palace In Aden

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) factions besieged on Tuesday three important entrances to Ma’ashiq presidential Palace in the Crater area in the center of Aden city, south of Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said that the STC’s factions sent huge reinforcements to support the leader “Mohammed Al-Zubaidi”, who is close to the head of the STC “Aidarous Al-Zubaidi” after he took control of one of the military points affiliated with the “Protection Battalion” loyal to the head of the Saudi-formed “Presidential Leadership Council,” Rashad Al-Alimi, in the vicinity of the palace, following armed confrontations.

The sources affirmed that the STC’s elements surrounded two gates under Ma’ashiq Palace, and headed to tighten control over another gate subject to “Al-Alimi’s protection”.

They stated that the STC’s factions imposed an armed cordon using armored vehicles on the Palace.