Zionist Army Reveals The Number Of Its Dead And Wounded Soldiers Since October 7th

Zionist enemy army revealed on Friday the number of its dead and wounded since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

According to the enemy army website, 4,357 Zionist soldiers and officers were injured, 2,232 of whom were injured during the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, and 695 soldiers and officers were killed since the beginning of the war and 332 since the beginning of the operation in Gaza.

The source explained that there were 2,611 minor injuries, 1,101 moderate injuries and 645 serious injuries, indicating that 185 officers and soldiers are still receiving treatment in hospitals, including 21 seriously injured.

It stated that the number of operational accidents killed reached 53, including 28 killed by friendly fire, 20 killed in various accidents including run-overs, road accidents and weapons, and 5 killed as a result of “stray shots.”