Attorney General Inspects Final Exams For Second Batch Of Criminal Diploma Students


The Attorney General, Judge Abdul Salam Al-Houthi, inspected, on Wednesday, the progress of the final exams for students in the Continuing Education Department, the second batch of the Criminal Sciences Diploma at the Higher Institute of the Judiciary.

The Attorney General received an explanation on the arrangements and preparations made for the exam process, in which 146 students are participating after seven months of theoretical study in the Criminal Sciences Diploma program.

Judge Al-Houthi expressed his best wishes for the students’ success, highlighting the efforts of the judiciary leadership in preparing the appropriate conditions and accommodating students who meet the qualifications to join the judiciary.

He emphasized the need for students to continue their academic achievements and gain knowledge across various fields, as their work is directly related to handling various cases, while maintaining high moral standards and adhering to judicial ethics when dealing with the public.