Fourth Training Course In Field Of Using Single Window For Customs Clearance Begins

The fourth training course organized on Monday by the Customs Authority to introduce the program and services of the Yemeni Single Window System for customs clearance began today in the capital Sana’a.

The three-day course, with the participation of 30 trainees from customs brokers and company representatives, is part of the training programs organized by the Authority over two months and targets 400 trainees from partners in the private sector to introduce the program and services of the Single Window System.

At the opening, the advisors to the head of the Authority, Mohammed al-Tahesh and Mohammed al-Sharafi, pointed out the importance of the course in introducing participants to the services included in the single window for customs clearance, which constitutes a qualitative shift within the transformations witnessed by the world in applying electronic governance standards aimed at facilitating procedures and reducing transaction completion times.

They pointed out that the single window system is one of the important tools for the comprehensive digital transformation that countries are keen to implement to provide distinguished services to the community of traders from the commercial sector with ease and simplicity.

Al-Tahesh and al-Sharafi discussed the transformations witnessed by the Authority in developing and simplifying customs services and procedures in a way that enhances trust and partnership between the customs administration, customs brokers and importers.

They stressed that the single window is a practical step in simplifying and completing customs procedures at the level of the Authority and the rest of the relevant government agencies, and urged the trainees from customs brokers and company representatives to benefit from the course axes and acquire theoretical and practical skills to facilitate their use of the system, enter their data and track transactions electronically.

For his part, Director of the Customs Cultural Institute, Faisal al-Thawab indicated that the goal of this course is to train on using the single window system in a way that enhances the Authority’s efforts to simplify procedures and shift from paper transactions to electronic work, noting the efforts made to transfer skills and experiences to the customs broker as one of the main partners.

The training program of the Yemeni Single Window for Customs Clearance Project aims to organize ten intensive courses for partners in the private sector within the Authority’s plans and programs to develop and improve customs work in line with international changes in this aspect.

The training program includes many axes, especially those related to training partners on using the system and benefiting electronically from the services available through the single window, which include electronic authorization and customs declaration as well as “manifest” services, electronic payment, and release of goods and commodities.