Popular Protests Escalate In Aden


Popular protests denouncing the collapse of electricity service in the occupied city of Aden have escalated amid the collapse of the health system.

The coastal city in southern Yemen is witnessing angry popular protests for the second day in a row due to the collapse of electricity service, the deterioration of the currency and the living conditions. According to what was published by the website “26 September Net”.


The protesters blocked the streets with burning tires and stones in the directorates of Sheikh Othman, Mansoura, Khormaksar and Al-Qaloua, which led to a near-total paralysis of traffic.

The protesters chanted slogans demanding the departure of the “mercenary government” and the occupation militias from the country and held them responsible for the catastrophic conditions in the city.

The occupation militia from the so-called “Transitional Council Forces” deployed military reinforcements in the streets of the city, amid fears of an angry popular revolution.

The city of Aden is witnessing a severe crisis in water and sanitation services as a result of the total power outage and the lack of fuel needed to operate backup generators, as this situation has led to the shutdown of pumping stations, which has caused sewage to overflow into the streets of the city.

Kidney failure patients in Aden also launched an urgent distress call, after the dialysis center at Al-Jumhuri Hospital stopped working due to a power outage, which puts their lives at risk.

This comes in conjunction with the announcement by the Electricity Corporation in Aden of a complete blackout of the city’s electricity system for the first time in its history, after the fuel ran out at the President’s Station, which is the main source of energy.