Truman Withdraws & Red Sea Without an aircraft Carrier


The US Naval Institute revealed that the aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman docked in Souda Bay, Greece, yesterday, Thursday, after 50 days in the Red Sea.


The institute quoted a US Navy official as saying: The aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman crossed the Suez Canal on Monday towards the Mediterranean.


It pointed out that the only remaining US fleet in the Red Sea is the destroyer USS Stout and the cruiser USS Gettysburg.

The US Naval Institute explained that for the third time in more than 15 months, the United States has left the Red Sea without an aircraft carrier.

Between December 21, 2024, and January 17, 2025, one day before the ceasefire agreement between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist enemy entity entered into force, the Yemeni armed forces attacked the aircraft carrier USS Truman 7 times, including long clashes that lasted for several hours, and here is the Truman leaving the Red Sea humiliated after failing to protect the Zionist enemy entity.

During its participation with the Zionist entity in its aggression against Gaza, and as part of its attempts to protect the Zionist entity, the United States threw its weight into the Red Sea, and militarized the Red Sea, which harmed international navigation.

During that period, the United States brought in aircraft carriers and warships, but they did not succeed in protecting the enemy entity, and preventing the Yemeni strikes supporting Gaza, nor did they succeed in protecting the Zionist navigation, which the Yemeni army imposed a ban on in support of Gaza.

The Yemeni armed forces were able during the Gaza Support Battle to expel three aircraft carriers during the Gaza Support Battle, namely “Abraham Lincoln”, “Eisenhower”, and “Truman”, in addition to the aircraft carrier “Roosevelt”, which returned from its way to the Red Sea to withdraw before entering the Yemeni armed forces’ area of ​​operations.