Zionist Aggression On Tulkarm And Its Camps Enters Its 16th Consecutive Day

Zionist enemy forces continue their aggression on the city of Tulkarm and its two camps, Tulkarm and Nour Shams, for the 16th consecutive day, amid a military escalation accompanied by widespread destruction of infrastructure and property, arrests, and forced displacement of thousands of residents of the two camps.

The Palestinian News Agency “Wafa” reported that the Zionist enemy forces are imposing a tight siege on the Tulkarm and Nour Shams camps, and have increased the deployment of their vehicles and foot patrols in their surroundings and neighborhoods, amid raids on homes, a large number of which have become empty after their residents were forcibly displaced, interspersed with heavy and random live ammunition, especially at night.

Palestinian citizens from Tulkarm camp, who remained in their homes on the outskirts of the camp, described the situation as terrifying, as it has intensified over the past three days, especially at night, with the mobilization of the enemy soldiers while raiding homes and firing live bullets and bombs inside them, accompanied by the sound of explosions, as if it were a war zone.

Wafa News Agency indicated that the Zionist enemy forces continue to seize houses and tall buildings inside and around the camp, especially on Nablus Street adjacent to its northern entrance, and the Muqata’a Street that connects it to the eastern neighborhood of the city, and turn them into military barracks and sniper locations.