During the past month of Shaaban of the current year 1446 AH, the emergency forces in Amran Governorate achieved distinguished security achievements that contributed to enhancing security, stability, and public tranquility, controlling smuggling operations, and preserving the national economy.
A statistic issued by the Rescue forces in the governorate stated that during the past month of Sha’ban, they carried out 203 security missions and campaigns, 510 fixed and mobile patrol missions, 100 humanitarian missions, and 31 security protection missions.
In the field of combating drugs, the rescue forces in the governorate seized during the mentioned period 1,500 kilograms of hashish, and 378 packages of banned tobacco “whale”, all of which were seized on board cars coming from areas controlled by the aggression heading towards Saudi lands.
The statistics stated that the rescue forces in the governorate seized during the same period 37 cars wanted in security cases and drug and pesticide smuggling.
In the field of combating smuggling, the rescue forces in Amran seized during the same period 838 boxes and packages of banned and smuggled agricultural pesticides, in addition to a quantity of garlic and frozen chicken that did not meet the specifications.
As for reducing illegal immigration, the rescue forces in the governorate seized 406 illegal immigrants during the past month of Shaaban, all of whom hold African nationality, and they were taken to immigration, passports and shelter centers to complete the legal procedures for their deportation to their countries.