The prisons of the Brotherhood militia loyal to the aggression coalition in the city of Marib are witnessing a noticeable increase in the deaths of detainees and abductees as a result of the violations, torture, suffering and deprivation they are exposed to, crimes that may not exist in the worst prisons in the world.
Activists circulated yesterday a new incident in what they called the Sednaya Marib prison, where citizen Abdul Latif Jameel Rashid Al-Jumaili was arrested in Marib 3 months ago and transferred to the prison.
Activists added that during this period his family followed up on his case and asked them to guarantee his release, and he was found yesterday as a lifeless body in one of the streets of Marib city, wrapped in a blanket and bearing signs of torture.
During the past period, the death of two detainees was announced in two separate incidents within less than 24 hours, namely the poet Rashid Al-Hatam, from Qifa in Al-Bayda Governorate, and the young man Majed Mubarak Al-Amri Al-Jahmi from the Jahm tribe in the Sarwah District, which were widely condemned and denounced by the people and human rights organizations, and shed light on the torture that prisoners are subjected to, leading to the death of many of them.
Local statistics indicate that deaths in these prisons due to torture are estimated in the dozens, in addition to the permanent disabilities it causes, explaining that the bodies of some victims are still being held in the refrigerators of hospitals in the city of Marib.
According to the testimonies of survivors from the hell of the Brotherhood’s prisons in Marib, types of torture that are difficult to describe and that one may not even imagine being committed by humans are practiced by the prison guards against the detainees, from depriving them of food and drink to torture, hanging by the hands and feet, and sometimes amputating limbs against prisoners who refuse to have their dignity and humanity violated, many of whom end up dead.
The number of prisons in Marib city did not exceed two prisons before the aggression, but now leaders in the security apparatus of the Islah Party supervise more than 20 prisons inside the city and the Wadi Directorate and manage them with unparalleled brutality to terrorize prisoners and practice the harshest types of torture against them after issuing fatwas declaring them infidels.