Media sources revealed that mercenaries in occupied Aden are passing a shipment of spoiled wheat, which was previously refused entry through the port of Hodeidah; because it is not suitable for human use, and it is considered toxic waste unfit for consumption.
The sources added that the issue of the spoiled shipment carried by the ship MARIM M, which has a capacity of 5,000 tons, meaning that it includes 118 thousand bags of flour in packages of 50 and 25 kilograms, and 46 thousand bags of corn starch in packages of 40 and 25 kilograms, all of which were imported from an Arab country that tried to get rid of the shipment and sell it to a Yemeni company at prices lower than its value; due to the spoilage of the quantity.
The shipment arrived at Aden port a week ago, after a journey that lasted more than three months, most of which was spent in the Red Sea, in an attempt by the company to bring in the goods through Hodeidah port, but the port administration refused to allow the shipment to enter because it was unfit for human use, which prompted the company to divert the ship “Maryam” towards Djibouti, and from there to Aden port.
The sources reported that the shipment was inspected by the branch of the Specifications and Standards Authority in Aden upon its arrival at the port, and the samples that were examined of the flour carried by the ship proved that the flour was “infested”, in addition to the presence of petrification in some bags of flour, and therefore it is supposed to be prevented from entering the markets.
Despite this, the mercenary authorities did not take any measures to protect the consumer from the risks of the shipment, but the so-called “Industry and Trade Prosecution” of the mercenary government requested the branch of the Specifications and Standards Authority in Aden to conduct a new examination of the shipment, provided that the examination be laboratory.
According to media loyal to the aggression, the branch of the Specifications and Standards Authority apologized for conducting a laboratory examination of the shipment, because the goods, with the naked eye, were found to be full of insects resulting from the decay of flour. However, there is insistence by the mercenaries of the Emirati occupation to bring in the shipment and distribute it in the markets.