Mahdi Al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, sent a message to the Arab Summit held in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, as follows:
This Arab Summit is being held today in light of an exceptional, dangerous and looming situation for everyone, after we have all been informed of the projects and plans announced by the American and the Zionist enemy for more than one Arab country, starting with the crime of the century represented by the displacement of the Palestinian people, and ending with attempts to impose this option on some Arab countries.
The lust for expansion and the series of American-Israeli ambitions towards Palestine in particular and the Arab region in general will not stop, and these proposals would not have been announced nor those foolish statements said had it not been for the cowardly Arab position that encouraged the invaders more and more.
The criminal Israeli enemy and the American behind it, who left Gaza dragging their tails of disappointment and defeat, should not achieve through politics and suspicious deals what they failed to achieve in the military battle over 15 continuous months in the Gaza Strip.
We have all seen that the path of agreements and peace with this usurping entity, starting from Camp David to Oslo, are nothing more than illusions and mirages, and have not led to any result.
Days and events have proven throughout seven decades that what was taken by force can only be restored by force, and that the only way that has proven its effectiveness is jihad for the sake of Allah, resistance, steadfastness, and sacrifice.
In this sensitive circumstance and in the face of the imminent dangers, we emphasize the following:
1- Palestine is not an issue specific to the Palestinian people only, but it is the central issue around which all the issues of the nation revolve.
2- We emphasize that the correct, logical and necessary choice is the choice of jihad and resistance, and supporting and backing this choice by all means and not relying on the resolutions of the United Nations and the promises of the biased and dishonest American mediator.
3- We emphasize the importance of expanding Arab solidarity and joint action by activating the principle of joint Arab defense in the Arab League, solidarity and support for all targeted countries by all means, stopping normalization with the criminal Zionist entity, withdrawing recognition of it, expelling its ambassadors and representatives, activating the economic boycott, and cutting off oil.
4- Confronting the dangerous expansionist plans of the American and Israeli enemy to nibble away at Arab lands, occupy them, and undermine their sovereignty will only be through Arab unity.
5- We call for ending the Israeli occupation of some Lebanese villages and a speedy withdrawal from them, and we emphasize the right of the Lebanese people to use all means to expel the occupation from their lands.