The Guardian newspaper confirmed today, Saturday, that the child Ayman Nassar Al-Haimouni (13 years old) was martyred by the bullets of an “Israeli” soldier in Hebron in the occupied West Bank.
On February 21, the occupation forces executed the martyred child Al-Haimouni in cold blood while he was visiting his relatives in Jabal Jawhar in the southern area of the city of Hebron, where the occupation soldiers fired live bullets at him while he was playing, which resulted in him being shot in the chest, and his martyrdom was announced later.
The newspaper reported that surveillance camera footage shows the martyrdom of the child Ayman Al-Haimouni by the bullets of an Israeli soldier in Hebron, and it also shows that the bullet that killed the child Ayman came from the direction of Israeli soldiers.
It pointed out that the International Organization for Children in Palestine said that the bullet entered the child Ayman’s back and settled in his lungs.
The father of the child Ayman said that an Israeli soldier who spoke Arabic mocked him, claiming that he shot his son for no reason.
The father of the child, Ayman, explained that the Israeli soldier who shot his son told him, “We hope you will follow your son.” The Guardian pointed out that human rights workers fear that the number of victims will rise as the Israeli army transfers Gaza technology to the West Bank.