Hamas Calls For Days Of Anger To Defend Gaza, Jerusalem, And Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has called for days of global mobilization and anger in support of Gaza, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and in rejection of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

Hamas said in a statement on Wednesday, “Let Friday, Saturday, and Sunday be days of global mobilization and anger, and in rejection of the crimes of the occupation.”

The Movement called on the masses of the Palestinian people and the free people of the world to escalate activities, marches, and sit-ins, and to besiege Israeli embassies, in response to the call to support and stand with Gaza and expose the crimes of the occupation. It also called for continued global pressure until the aggression stops and the siege of the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank is lifted.

The statement concluded by saying, “Let the coming days be days of rage and steadfastness in the face of the occupier and its supporters.”

In a previous statement, Hamas called on the free people of the world to use all means to pressure to stop the killing, siege, and starvation, to support Gaza and heal its wounds, and to support Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa and strengthen their steadfastness, and to expose Israel’s crimes and American support for them.

It also called on the Palestinian people inside and outside the country to participate in massive popular marches on the occasion of Land Day, March 30, in rejection of the policies of displacement and annexation, and in adherence to the right of return and liberation.