Authors Posts by Al-Thawra Net

Al-Thawra Net


Al-Thawra Net US Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton says Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait must stop funding extremists in the region. An “area that demands attention...

Al-Thawra Net June 12th Children of Sana'a organized a protest  in front of the United Nation office  to protest the UN's removal of the Saudi...

Al-Thawra Net As civil war engulfs Yemen, the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) is so committed to staying neutral that it pays salaries of soldiers...

Al-Thawra Net The Saudi-led  coalition currently bombing Yemen to smithereens just had an unprecedented opportunity to crush an al-Qaeda mini-state. But instead, they allowed nearly...

Al-Thawra Net The Yemeni army and popular committee secured locations in al-Mslob district , while Saudi allies troops bombed with rockets citizens residence . The army...

Al-Thawra Net June 12th, the national delegation ( Ansarullah and GPC ) accused Riyadh delegation of working to make the Yemeni Peace Talks in Kuwait...

Al- Thawra Net June 11th , France and the UK have called for calm in an angry row between Saudi Arabia and the UN but...

Al-Thawra Net June 10th, electricity power returned to Hodeida city gradually, it back to al –Hali and al –Kournish unites as a first step to...

Al-Thawra Net June 10th, UN envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said that the joint ground between the Yemeni Peace Talks sides in Kuwait...

Al-Thawra Net The official spokesman of  Ansarullah Mohamed Abdulsalam denied, yesterday, any advanced consensus could reach any solution in the coming days. Abdulsalam said on his...