Al-Thawra Net
Saudi Monarch Financed The Israeli Prime Minister Election Campaign
Al-Thawra Net
Talniri , an Israeli website, revealed that the Saudi Monarch Salman bin Abdulaziz financed the election campaign for Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Tories: Who’s Making Sure The Saudi Bombs Keep Falling On Yemen?
Al-Thawra Net
The worst thing as The Guardian reported is barely being discussed: the UK’s complicity in an indiscriminate, Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen that...
ND: Ceasefire Breaches Threaten The negotiation Process
Al-Thawra Net
May 8th , national delegation (ND) met the minister of foreign affairs of Kuwait, Subah Khaled al- Subah .
Al-subah expressed the concern of...
War Atmosphere Prevails In Marib
Al-Thwara Net
May 8th , clashes broke out between tribesmen and Saudi-led coalition allied forces in Obidah Valley and Al Ashrafyah in Marib .
War atmosphere...
Mark Goldring :British Arms Are Fuelling Yemen’s Cruel War
Al-Thawra Net
Mark Goldring ,chief executive of Oxfam GB, said that Members of Parliament ( MPs) are right to be dismayed by the government’s refusal...
Kuwait Talks To Form New Government In Yemen
Al-Thawra net
May 8th , UN special envoy to Yemen , Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed denied the suspending of Yemen Peace Talks in Kuwait, that...
Hamza Al-Houthi : National Delegation Vision Approves Peaceful Solution
Al –Thawra Net
May 7th , Hamaza Al-Houthi ,a national delegation member in Yemen peace talks in Kuwait, lighted on the national delegation vision that...
Salon: Pentagon Quietly Sends Troops To Yemen To Fight Al-Qaeda
Al-Thawra Net
Salon American website reported Today that The U.S. is intervening in yet another Middle Eastern country, Yemen, where extremist groups benefited from its...
US Deploys Over 200 Soldiers In South Yemen, Stations Assault Ship
Al-Thawra Net
The United States military has deployed more than 200 US Marines in the port city of Mukalla in the central province of Hadramout,...
SRC Rejects American Military intervention In Yemen
Al-Thawra Net
May 6th, The Supreme Revolutionary Committee (SRC) confirmed that Yemeni people reject the presence of the American military occupation in Yemen for any...