Statement of Arab human rights organizations Calls for an immediate halt to the Saudi – American aggression on Yemen

54 Human Rights Networks and organizations in the Arab world undersigned call for of the need to stop the Saudi –American military aggression, with the participation of some Arab countries and covered by the US and internationally, on Yemen and immediately lift the unjust blockade on his people.
The organizations condemn such Saudi arrogance in continuing disrespect of international humanitarian law and ignoring international conventions and principles. They also deplore the continuation of the Arab and international silence towards these crimes, which amount to crimes against humanity, as the continued aggression and siege on Yemen for 165 days contributed to increase the suffering of civilians, especially women and children, and the scarcity of food and medication and the lack of petroleum products and electricity, as it led to the deaths of more than five thousands civilians and the wounding of more than twenty thousand citizens, not to mention that more than 21 million Yemeni need food and drugs, according to reports of international organizations.
Our organizations consider that the continuation of the aggression, the targeting of civilians in many areas and cities, pricing of internal war and supplying it with weapons and money, not to mention the media incitement of Yemeni people against each other, which has led to the continuation of assassinations and suicide operations targeting mosques and civilians. The Saudi aggression, double standards, denial of Yemeni rights and the right of people to choose the path of social, economic, and political development without any interference or dictation, is considered by our organizations as a departure from the United Nations Charter and humanitarian principles and time has come to stop it.
Therefore, the organizations signing this statement call on the United Nations , the Security Council, and the international community, with all its organs and institutions, as well as all Arab countries to urgently move to put an end to this aggression and its crimes and the disrespect of the right of the Yemeni people in freedom and sovereignty, and to compel Saudi Arabia to abide by the principles of international legitimacy and end the blockade, and thus:
1. Immediately cease aggression on Yemen.
2. Stop the unjust siege on the people of Yemen and the delivery of medicine, food, and petroleum products as soon as possible.
3. Reactivate Yemeni dialogue between the various parties and political and social actors to resolve internal differences and work on forming a national unity government with the invocation of all parties to the constitution, the law, and the outcomes of the approved national comprehensive dialogue, and respect for human rights and international law principles and work to form a committee to investigate the violations occurring because of the fighting.
4. Form an international commission to investigate the crimes of aggression, war, and genocide suffered by Yemen and Yemenis.
5. Commitment of neighboring countries that participated in the aggression against Yemen not to violate the Yemeni sovereignty and assault it.
6. Demand Saudi Arabia for compensations for the losses of Yemen and the Yemenis resulting from the aggression through a special fund under the auspices of the United Nations, European Union, and Russia for reconstruction.
The undersigned organizations:
1. Yemen Organization for Defending Rights and Democratic Freedoms
2. Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
3. The Arab Commission for Human Rights / France
4. El Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture / Egypt
5. Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture / Lebanon
6. Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights
7. Iraqi Alliance to human rights organizations (include 54 human rights organization)
8. Aman Network for rehabilitation and defending human rights( include 11 human rights organization) / Lebanon
9. Arab Network for Human Rights Trainers 
10. Damascus Center for Theoretical Studies and Civil Rights / Syria
11. Human Rights and Democracy Media Center ‘SHAMS’ / Palestine
12. Arab Women’s Association / Jordan 
13. Legal Center for Civil Rights / Yemen
14. Lawyers Without Borders Organization / Yemen
15. Mauritanian Association for the promotion of rights
16. Mauritanian Association to support the associative work
17. Coordinating Body awareness of the issue and for national unity and the fight against slavery / Mauritania
18. Civil Alliance of peace and the protection of the rights and freedoms / Yemen
19. The legal status of the rights and development / Yemen
20. Legal Foundation House / Yemen
21. Tunisian Human Rights League
22. Network Yemeni women to peace and security.
23. Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights / Yemen
24. Adaleh Foundation for Human Rights / Yemen
25. International Human Rights Group / Yemen.
26. Al Mezan Association for the Development of Human Rights / Iraq
27. Arab Association for Human Rights / Yemen
28. Tunisian Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
29. network national human child / Yemen
30. The Arab Organization for Penal / Egypt reform
31. National Network of Women / Mauritania
32. Jordanian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
33. Yemeni Coalition against the Death Penalty.
34. Amman forum Society for Human Rights
35. Federal Arab democracy / Palestine
36. Women’s Rights Development Organization / Yemen
37. National Foundation for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings / Yemen.
38. The Arab Coalition Against the Death Penalty
39. National Observatory for Human voter / Morocco
40. Democratic House Foundation political and legal Rights / Yemen 
41. April 27 Organization for Rights and Freedoms / Yemen
42. awareness of the Foundation for Studies of electoral rights / Yemen
43. Ma’onah Association for Human Rights / Yemen
44. Legal Awareness Organization / Yemen
45. Future Movement Organization / Yemen
46. Visions Center for Electoral Studies / Yemen
47. Coordinating Maghreb human rights organizations (including 26 human rights organizations from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Mauritania).
48. Algerian League for the Defiance of Human Rights
49. Jordanian Network for Human Rights Trainers
50. The pioneers of freedom of fairness and human rights organization / Jordan
51. Arab Bridge Center for Human Rights / Jordan
52. Babel Center for Human Rights and Civil Development/Iraq
53. Bahrain Forum for Human Rights(including 8 human organizations)
54. Tunisian Association of Democratic Women