253 Thousand Displaced Families Suffer A Lack Of Food And Medicine

Althawra Net 
official report issued by the executive unit for the relief of displaced people said that the number of displaced people in all governorates of Yemen is 253 thousand and 463 family, equivalent of 1, 617,000 individual suffering from an acute shortage of food, homes and medicine because of the Saudi brutal aggression on Yemen.
The report added that the most displaced families directed to the most safety areas such as Sana’a, Mahweet, Ibb and Hadramout governorates. 
The report confirmed that some affected families are still in Sada’a for they could not flee, the total displaced of Sada’a is 25% of the total population in the province.
The report stated that the number of displaced families in accommodation centers in Sana’a during يوليو to mid-أغسطس amounted to 264 family, a total of 1,459 individual residing in nine schools. 
Sada’a has the largest number of displaced families. 
There are 400 families in the schools and more than seven thousand families out of accommodation centers.