YLDF Concludes Tadhafur Project 3 For Children’s Rights In Sana’a

Asma al-Mohattwari
Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF) in partnership with Save the Children International Organization concluded the final workshop of Tadhafur 3 project for the rights of the child in Sana’a, December 20th, 2015.
The workshop aimed to advocate the project outputs through the participation of experiences with partners and stakeholders and interested in children’s rights, as well as raising the possibility of the project implementation in other province.
The project coordinator Amal al-Qata’a said that the project objective over three years is to raise awareness of the importance of children’s rights and issues and create a friendly environment for children, ” the child rights issues were discussed are the corporal punishment, encourage the participation of children to develop researches discussed their issues and raise awareness of the Youth initiatives about the Child Rights.”
She added that the project outputs at its start in 2013 activated in six youth initiatives for 20 male and female youth trained on the Rights of the Child and short films industry, “the project also targeted 4 schools in Sana’a and trained 20 teachers and 52 students on the Rights of the Child. The project produced 4 movies on the rights of the Child, as well as trained 25 young activist in the rights of the Child.”
Al-Qata’a showed that the project campaign implemented prevent corporal punishment in schools in 2014 by 4 youth initiatives targeting 2,000 children, parents and representatives from the Office of Education, 20 imam of mosques in 4 schools in Sana’a.
She noted that the project in 2015 completed three advanced researches discussing child rights issues by 15 children trained on scientific research methods as well as implemented 10 activities for 15 young people by 5 youth initiatives, ” the activities targeted 300 boys and girls to raise awareness of children’s rights.”
Al-Qata’a stressed that Tadhafur project mainly involved in fighting against violence in schools and developing school regulations and issued a ministerial decision to ban corporal punishment for school students.