$ 4 Million Of Electricity Losses In Sana’a

Al-Thawra Net

Counting damages committee reports  clarified that the electricity had a huge losses in Sana’a district toped to $ 4 million including technical and financial revenues losses during the lasted long-year of Saudi-led coalition aggression on Yemen .

Reports said that the Saudi-led coalition aggression warplanes destroyed the High- pressures network that is linked between the Sana’a province’s directorates  with low pressures.

Moreover ,reports indicated that Saudi-led coalition aggression caused the  burning of the distribution transformers  with all its components including , lighting rods.

General manger of electricity in Sana’a, Nabeel  al-hezyazi,  confirmed that the financial losses of electricity amounting to 1 million and 300 thousand dollars.

Al-hezyazi pointed out that the Saudi-led coalition aggression raise the rate of unemployment among Yemeni people for the damages resulting in losing their jobs that increased the suffering of people.