Human Rights Activists Project ‘Daesh Bank’ Onto Saudi Arabia’s Embassy In Berlin

Al-Thawra Net

The Independent, British Newspaper, said that human-rights activists have projected the ISIS flag and the phrase “Daesh bank” onto the side of the Saudi embassy, yesterday in Berlin.

The “guerrilla light project” was organized by artist Oliver Bienkowski, who wanted to highlight the country’s relationship with the extreme Islamist movement and its much-criticised human rights record.

According to the Independent, Saudi Arabia has been accused of indirectly creating ISIS through the propagation of its fundamentalist Wahhabist interpretation of Islam, “Saudi Arabia has also been accused of financially supporting extremist rebel groups in Syria.

The country’s Government has refuted any suggestion they have funded ISIS, citing their work with the US and Italy to prevent people donating to the terror group.

Another message projected onto the Berlin embassy’s wall highlighted the treatment of Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for criticizing the government, the independent added.

The message read as: “10 years and 1000 slashes just for blogging #FREERAIF.”

Mr Badawi received the first 50 lashes of his sentence in January last year, but the rest have not been given amid the international outcry and concern for his health.