Melman: Israel And KSA Have Economic Relationships

Al-Thawra Net

In a an article published in Hebrew Maariv newspaper by  an Israeli writer and journalist Yossi Melman, said that the relationships between Israel and KSA have a good improvement and the Israeli products reach Saudi Arabia through a third party.

According to Melman , some reports  said that the two countries have an economic ties including convert Israel agricultural and technology imports to Saudi Arabia through a third-party that  might be the Palestinian Authority or Jordan or Cuprous.

Israeli security sources said that “in the top of the common interests between  Israel and KSA is that what they called the “ Iranian Threat  ”, that binding the two countries together.” He added  “ So, the Saudi had given the permission to Israel air forces to enter Saudis airspace if Israel choose to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.”

Moreover , reports said that there is a meeting arranged  between Israel and KSA , including the Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and the Prince Bandar Bin Sultan .

In this regard, the relationships came into the surface considering Israel as a normal state that have the right of the security existence , so that the Arab states can join Israel to face what they called “ Iranian Influence  ”