National Delegation Meets Russian And EU Ambassadors


Al-Thawra Net

May 30th  the national delegation  met in Kuwait Vladimir Didohchin, Russian ambassador to Yemen and Bettina Muchyt, European Union ambassador to Yemen.

The national delegation expressed its  appreciation for the efforts made by the two ambassadors for the  success of consultations in Kuwait.

The national delegation emphasized on the necessity to agree on a consensus executive authority,military and security committee, comprehensive agreement and to  have  guarantees  to avoid any future concerns with parties.

The national delegation turned to the clear obstructions from  Riyadh delegation and their repeated  withdraw from the consultations sessions .

They confirmed that Saudi aggression and its mercenaries  continued violating the truce by raids and  troops  attempts  to  obstruct the consultations .

The national delegation also discussed  the catastrophic effects  that  Yemenis  suffer  due  to the blockade that prevented oil products that caused electricity cut.

The national delegation demanded  a blockade end  and stop violateing  Yemenis rights in  Saudi’s Bisha airport.

The Russian and European ambassadors confirmed  their support to accomplish Kuwait consultations with a comprehensive agreement.

They confirmed that there must be a written guarantees from both sides for a comprehensive agreement to achieve peace.